پیش فاکتور دریافت فایل
The Book of the SubGenius : being the divine wisdom, guidance, and prophecy of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs ...
29,000 تومان
25,252,448 کیلوبایت
Sometimes a book goes too far. Sometimes is... now.
First, there was The Gilgamesh.
Then... the Bhagavad-Gita
Then... the Torah, the New Testament, the Koran
Then... the Book of Mormon, Dianetics, I'm OK You're OK.
And now...The Book of the Subgenius (How to Prosper in the Coming Weird Times)
Amazon.com Review
Divine obfuscation has a purpose. This is the classic that ushered in so many imitators, imitators who did not get "it." "It" is slack, the desiderata that cannot be desired and is only attainable through "Bob," the evil god/male model who founded the Church of the SubGenius without bothering to "exist." If you read this holy book properly, you will learn to "pull the wool over your own eyes." While this volume may seem hilarious, it's also an incredibly adept deconstruction of religion in general and the human impulse to believe in and follow anyone who promises to give their lives meaning and structure. Plus, it's the only place to find the information you need to survive when the bad alien gods come out of the sky to kill, enslave, and entertain us. If you don't already have a copy, then hand in your hipness ID card and hang your head in shame.
1403/12/21 - فایلسو