پیش فاکتور دریافت فایل
Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment
29,000 تومان
365,629 کیلوبایت
Explore the foundations of Kabbalah with one of the greatest Kabbalists of our generation and learn how the teachings of this wisdom tradition can contribute to your search for awareness, enlightenment, and ultimate spiritual fulfillment. Infused with insight from his experience as a scientist, Rav Michael Laitman introduces the historical figures who have developed Kabbalah since the time of Abraham, addresses the kabbalistic significance of the Torah and the mystical interpretation of the Zohar, and explains how anyone with the desire to do so can draw nearer to the Creator using the tools he provides.
It's never too late to reach new heights of spirituality, affect positive changes in your own life and make a difference in the world. This stunning exploration will help get you started today.
1404/1/9 - فایلسو