پیش فاکتور دریافت فایل
Pasaporte: Spanish for Advanced Beginners
29,000 تومان

43,809,278 کیلوبایت
Pasaporte is designed for advanced or high beginners who need a refresher course before enrolling in second-year Spanish. This course presents many challenges for instructors. The rapid treatment of so much content and linguistic structures leaves little opportunity to practice, recycle, and synthesize basic grammar and vocabulary in a cultural context. The scope and sequence of Pasaporte, considers what intermediate students should be able to do when entering second-year Spanish. With these goals in mind, the communicative functions of Pasaporte are uniquely presented in the context of a “Global Opportunities Fair.” While preparing for second-year Spanish, Pasaporte encourages to use Spanish to discuss real-life opportunities such as study abroad, internships, cultural exchanges, and volunteer work. Learn more at Online Learning Center www.mhhe.com/pasaporte

1404/1/7 - فایلسو