پیش فاکتور دریافت فایل
Everything: A Book of Aphorisms
29,000 تومان

67,009 کیلوبایت

Aphorisms are often derided as trivial, yet most people rule their lives with five or six of them. This collection contains five or six hundred, some of which you wouldn't want to rule your life with.

"The Rochefoucauld of the Twitter generation has arrived. Aaron Haspel's crisp, curt, cold-eyed aphorisms pack the maximum amount of truth into the minimum amount of space — and do it with elegance and wit." —Terry Teachout, drama critic, The Wall Street Journal

"Aaron Haspel is good, very good." —Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile and The Black Swan

"My favorite aphorist of the 21st century." —Colin Marshall, Boing Boing

"Extremely good...wry, wise rules." —James Geary, author of The World in a Phrase and editor of Geary's Guide to the World's Great Aphorists


1403/12/19 - فایلسو