The Shadow, The Body, and The Light
A New Introduction to Jesus the Christ
Description:... For two thousand years, we have been teaching and learning the prophesies and promises of God concerning His First Coming. It is time to stop "drinking milk" as infants and begin "eating meat" as mature Christians. We need to teach and learn the prophesies and promises for God's Second Coming. First, we need the "biblical" explanation for the "old blood" covenant and "the scriptural" explanation for the "new blood" covenant ("the Shadow" and "the Body") before we can understand God's eternal salvation plan for all the earth (the Light). Did you know? 1. God changed "the written law" before he changed "the natural law" in order for God's "chosen daughter" Mary to give birth to Messiah? 2. The "substitute Lamb" God provided for Isaac and the 'substitute Lamb' God provided for the offerers in the temple, was God's plan until the real Lamb of God, Jesus, came as the 'Substitute Sacrifice' for all man-kind? 3. That 'the Promise' Blessing was fulfilled at His first coming there for we are able to inherit 'the Birth-Right' Blessing at His second coming? Word of Wisdom: "God does not interfere with man's will unless man's will interferes with God's will." Bishop Norman Vincent Peale "At last God's door to his kingdom is open to all mankind." Evangelist Minister Billy Graham. "And I remembered the word of the Lord, 'John baptized with water but you shall be baptized with Holy Spirit." St. Peter (Acts 10:16""17). "For one mans disobedience 'many' were made sinners, so by one mans obedience 'many' will be made righteous." St. Paul (Romans 5:19""21).
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