The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis
Description:... Editorial Board: Bernard Burgoyne (London)James Grotstein (Los Angeles)Murray Stein (Chicago)Cleo van Velsen (London)Consultant Editors: Lewis Aaron, Howard Bacal, June Bernstein, Ron Britton, Morris Eagle, John Muller, Malcolm Pines, Eric Rayner, Paul Roazen, William Richardson, Andrew Samuels, Robert Wallerstein Executive Editors: Joe Aguayo, Shelley Ahanati, Betty Cannon, Rebecca Curtis, Elinor Fairbairn Birtles, Kirsty Hall, Jennifer Johns, Rik Loose, Maria Rhode, David Scharff, Robert Stolorow, Richard Tuch, Jane van Buren, Aleksandra WagnerThe one thousand entries in this book provide the best single volume coverage of psychoanalysis available. With its wide, objective and catholic vision, the Encyclopaedia demonstrates that psychoanalysis is a single discipline, very much greater than any particular movement, school or individual, including its founder, Freud. Thus the book contains authoritative entries on all the most important authors, practitioners, concepts, movements, schools, debates and controversies in psychoanalysis and its offspring, past and present. A précis essay is given of each school amplified by explanations of all key terms within that school. Entries are alphabetically arranged, fully cross-referenced, many with suggestions for further reading. Most importantly the book features both contributors and entries reflecting the various disciplines such as Feminism, Literature, Philosophy, Art and Anthropology that have contributed to the development of psychoanalysis or been influenced by it.Besides an immense array of topics on psychoanalysis contributed by psychoanalysts themselves, there are also entries on many topics written by psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, philosophers, medical researchers, historians, literary critics, anthropologists, linguists and other specialists. International in scope, the Encyclopaedia also draws on a geographically wide field of authors. The Encyclopaedia caters for
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