Summary of Jennifer Grey's Out of the Corner
Description:... Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I was born into a family of actors. My mom was a performer, and my dad was a professional actor. The entire family moved to New York City when I was born, so my mom could be closer to her work. My parents got married and had me when they were both in their mid-twenties. #2 I was born into a family of actors. My parents had lost a baby before me, and my mother had struggled to carry me to term. So when I was four and a half, my parents decided to adopt a baby boy. I was never breastfed, but I felt utterly peaceful and enveloped in that sensorial refuge. #3 My father was an actor, and I was raised in a family of actors. I was allowed into my father’s dressing room, where I would watch him prepare for his shows. The dresser, who was responsible for maintaining and laundering his costumes, was like a ghost who had no needs other than to serve. #4 I was raised by a family of actors. I was allowed into my father’s dressing room, where I would watch him prepare for his shows. The stage manager would announce the countdown to show time, and I would get this queasy feeling in the pit of my being every time my dad went on stage.
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