Marrakesh is an enchanting city, with a bustling souk, mysterious snake charmers and bolshy hawkers, and an enthralling history. And with flight time under four hours from London, nowhere so exotic can be reached so easily. Be inspired to visit by the new Insight Guide Experience Marrakesh, a beautifully-packaged full-colour guide to this exciting north African city.
Inside Insight Guide Experience Marrakesh:
An arresting series covering all the very best experiences on offer.
Stunning, colourful photography brings this beautiful city and its people to life.
Local expert authors guide you to authentic Marrakesh experiences and fresh discoveries.
A dip-in "In the mood for..." section suggests the best places to go for fine dining, a bohemian atmosphere and family fun, amongst others.
The neighbourhoods sections contain our selection what to see and do from an insider's perspective.
Detailed, high-quality maps throughout will help you get around and our Essentials A-Z section give you all the practical information you need for planning a memorable trip.