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Quest for a King: Searching for the Real King Arthur

Andronik's first work offers a conscientious, deliberately undramatic survey of modern knowledge of and recent research into the facts behind the legend of King Arthur. His rule brought 20 years of peace to sixth-century Britain, then a politically primitive, long-favored butt of marauding conquerors from the Romans to the Saxons. Inevitably, though, most questions relating to Arthur remain unanswered: such basic information as the location of his court is still not known, for example (sites in central Scotland, southwestern and northern England have been proposed, to no conclusion). His royal "entourage" Andronik narrows to a select but definite few including Guenevere, his wife; Lancelot, a stellar knight who was also Arthur's best friend; and the scurrilous Mordred, either Arthur's nephew or his illegitimate son, who killed him (and was killed) in battle. Though the legends and their factual loopholes are inherently fascinating, Andronik's tendency to plod in the writing may dull a reader's appetite. Not a storyteller by inclination, she collects alternate plots and characters with fastidious care yet ignores the suspense innate in historical detective work. Illustrated with prints and photographs.
دقت کنید این منابع به صورت رایگان داخل سایت موجود است و می توانید از صفحه دانلود رایگان کتاب های لاتین ( درخواست کتاب لاتین ) پس از جستجو، به صورت رایگان دانلود کنید.
  • 136
  • Catherine M. Andronik
  • 1989
  • Atheneum
  • New York
  • VIII+120
  • English
  • 0689314116,9780689314117
29,000 تومان

توجه: فایل درخواستی حداکثر 8 ساعت بعد ارسال خواهد شد.

ثبت درخواست و پرداخت
  • 104640
  • pdf
  • 17.5MB
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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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