‘A rich Jew and a Marxist revolutionary’, Alexander Israel Helphand played a unique role in the history of Russia and Germany in the first two decades of this century.'
Austria-Hungary, Balkans, banishment, Bavaria, Bebel, Bernstein, Bolsheviks, Brockdorff-Rantzau, Entente, espionage, European States, Furstenberg, Die Glocke, Gorki, Haenisch, Helphand, Jews, journalism, Kautsky, Kerensky, Lenin, Liebknecht, Marchlewski, Martov, Marx, Mensheviks, Novaya Zhizn, Parvus, proletariat, pseudonyms, Radek, revolutions, Rosa Luxemburg, Russia, Scheidemann, Siberia, socialism, Soviets, strike-work, subversion, trade unions, Trotsky (Bronstein), Tsar Nicholas II, Weimar Republic, First World War, Zaharoff, Zimmerman