Motivate students to think philosophically with this accessible and imaginative guide for the latest specification, brought to you by the market-leading A-level publisher. Written by the authors of our bestselling AQA AS Philosophy textbook, this title covers both A2 units, Ethics and Philosophy of Mind, using the same clear style and modern examples throughout. - Cements knowledge and understanding of complex philosophical concepts through detailed coverage of key topics, student-friendly language and explanatory diagrams - Develops students' analytical skills and their own philosophical viewpoints using a variety of thought-provoking practical activities and tasks - Helps students to engage with the anthology texts at the back of the book with clear prompts in every chapter - Stretches high achievers through signposted extension material that enhances high-level critical thinking skills - Draws on the author team's extensive practical teaching experience to provide a coherent and stimulating route through the 2014 specification