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Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide

Opening to Channel is a book with a startling message for the millions of curious Americans who are eager to learn more about this fascinating experience. The authors, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, with their guides Orin and DaBen, have demonstrated that anyone can become a channel, connect at will with a spirit guide or their higher self, and achieve remarkable and life-changing results. This book takes the reader step-by-step into the experience of channeling. The book provides a frame of reference by weaving in the story of how the authors became channels and then taught other people how to channel. This has become a bestselling classic, and a national and international best-seller. Sanaya and Duane’s books have been translated into over 24 languages, in over 2,000,000 books worldwide. This book is a definitive, inspirational, and easy-to-use guide to the art of channeling. You can use these methods to open to channel a guide or your higher self. Opening to Channel includes practical hands-on instruction in how to know if you are ready; how to attract a high-level guide, go into a channeling state, channel for friends or yourself, use channeling to expand your consciousness, and open to the higher dimensions. Orin and DaBen, two wise and gentle spirit guides, prepare you for channeling and let you know what to expect. You will learn how to recognize and attract a high-level guide, as well as how to recognize and reject entities that are less evolved. You will discover more about how guides communicate with you and your role as a receiver. You will be guided through your first meeting with a guide, explore how to verbally channel a guide, and be given questions to ask your guide as well as information on what to expect when you first start verbally channeling. Instructions are provided for giving yourself a reading as well giving readings to others. You will learn more about how to look into your future with your guide. As you read you will learn how to develop and strengthen your channeling. Guidance is provided on how often to channel, how to receive specific information, and other ways guides can work through you such as through art or music. Various questions people frequently ask are addressed, such as; can you channel the same guide as others, lose your channeling ability, or channel when you are sick? You will also discover how to deal with doubts that your channeling is real. Opening to Channel is a breakthrough book. Channeling your guide could be the key to accelerating your spiritual growth and opening the doorway to enlightenment. The benefits from channeling are unlimited, such as: A greater awareness of spiritual worlds and the beings of light Connecting with high beings from higher realms of light Access to knowledge that was not previously available Heightened creativity Having more confidence in yourself and the choices you make Experiencing greater wisdom Understanding reasons for apparent obstacles encountered in daily life Learning about opportunities for your life regarding relationships, abundance, or career Substantial acceleration of your spiritual growth and unfoldment Feeling that you are living a purposeful life Clarifying your life purpose Developing your innate talents and gifts Finding your path of world work
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توجه: فایل درخواستی حداکثر 8 ساعت بعد ارسال خواهد شد.

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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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