Condensed Matter and Materials Science are two of the most active fields of applied physics, with a stream of discoveries in areas from superconductivity and magnetism to the optical, electronic and mechanical properties of materials. While a huge amount of data has been compiled and spread over numerous reference works, no single volume compiles the most used information.
Springer Handbook of Condensed Matter and Materials Data provides a concise compilation of data and functional relationships from the fields of solid-state physics and materials in this 1200-page volume. The data, encapsulated in over 750 tables and 1025 illustrations, have been selected and extracted primarily from the extensive high-quality data collection Landolt-Börnstein and also from other systematic data sources and recent publications of physical and technical property data. Many chapters are authored by Landolt-Börnstein editors, including the editors of this Springer Handbook.
Key Topics
Fundamental Constants
The International System of Units (SI)
Rudiments of Crystallography
The Elements
Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, Glasses
Semiconductors, Superconductors,
Magnetic Materials, Dielectrics and Electrooptics
Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics
Liquid Crystals
Physics of Solid Surfaces,
Mesoscopic and Nanostructered Materials
Covers basic data, materials,
properties and fabrication.
Contains most frequently used
data and relationships.
Authoritative one-volume desk reference
Contains most frequently used data and relationships in condensed-matter and materials science
Incorporates the latest CODATA values for fundamental physical constants
Provides quick access to applicable, reliable, and comprehensive data tables and graphs
Electronic contents fully searchable on accompanying CD-ROM with links to Landolt-Boernsstein and other original literature
Handy format, lucid two-color layout, uniformly styled figures, highly readable tables and visible tabs
Contains 1000 two-color illustrations and
over 900 comprehensive tables.
Features exhaustive references to approved data.
A detailed index and fully searchable CD-ROM
guarantee quick access to data and links to other sources.