Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is one of many possible treatments proven to be helpful to people who have experienced sexual and physical abuse and neglect in their childhood.
It has not proven possible to predict reliably who will respond to which specific psychotherapy. Different individuals will benefit from different approaches and treatments at different stages of their lives, depending on their wishes, circumstances, and level of support and need.
There is considerable scientific evidence of effectiveness and a considerable body of accumulated clinical experience using psychoanalytical approaches in the treatment of people who have experienced childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect.
This book brings together this evidence for the first time. It covers the use of psychoanalytic psychotherapies in the treatment and care of individuals who have experienced sexual and associated abuse and neglect in their childhood. It also highlights the treatment and care needs of victims and survivors of childhood sexual and other associated abuse and neglect from a psychoanalytic perspective. It covers children, adolescents and adults.
The guideline is intended for practitioners of psychiatric, psychological and psychoanalytic therapies and providers of other health and mental health services.