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150 C++ Programming Assignments. Variants of tasks & Examples of Code

The collection of tasks is an appendix to the teaching guidance (http://amzn.com/B00NZ6M7L6) “Object-oriented programming in C++”. It contains problems and samples of their solutions using C++ programming language.
Object-oriented programming is based on the concept that a program can be created as a collection of objects working together. This methodology focuses on the connections between objects rather than the details of their realization. All the OOP languages are based on three main ideas: encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance.
In C++ encapsulation is realized with the help of classes. Access to the code and data within the capsule is controlled by an interface which is given to the user.
The purpose of polymorphism, according to OOP, is the usage of one name for the task of the actions, general for the class. The exertion of every concrete action will be defined by the type of the data. In more general sense the concept of polymorphism means that it is possible to create general interface for the groups, common by the content and not by the realization of actions.
The main thing in polymorphism is the fact that it allows to manipulate with the objects of different complexity by means of creating for them general standard interface for the realization of identical actions.
The inheritance is a process with the help of which one object acquires the peculiarities of the other one. To be more exact, the object can inherit the peculiarities of the other object and add to them features, characteristic only for its own.
The textbook consists of 6 parts. Every part contains variants of assignments, referring to the particular theme, and the examples of the code, meant to assist the student while writing the program. Codes contain the commentaries and the results of the work.
Themes, considered in the given collection, include overloading of functions and operators, template functions, work with the structural types, creation of classes (data-member, functions-member, constructions, destructor and itc.). We also suggest creating classes (aggregation and inheritance) for the extending possibilities of existing classes and the notion of the base and derivative classes, multiple inheritance, building of the hierarchy of classes, usage of virtual functions, abstract classes, polymorphic functions, virtual inheritance.
In the textbook we have introduced the assignments for the course OOP in C++.
This textbook is intended for educational purposes.
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29,000 تومان

توجه: فایل درخواستی حداکثر 8 ساعت بعد ارسال خواهد شد.

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  • epub
  • 88KB
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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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