Making the News provides a cross-national perspective on key features of journalism and news-making cultures and the changing media landscape in contemporary Europe. .
Focusing on the key trends, practices and issues in contemporary journalism and news cultures, Paschal Preston maps the major contours of change as well as the broader industrial, organizational, institutional and cultural factors shaping journalism practices over the past two decades.
Moving beyond the tendency to focus on journalism trends and newsmaking practices within a single country, Making the News draws on unique, cross-national research examining current journalism practices and related newsmaking cultures in eleven West, Central and East European countries, including in-depth interviews with almost 100 senior journalists and subsequent workshop discussions with other interest groups
Making the News links reviews and discussions of the existing literature to original research engaging with the views and experiences of journalists working at the ‘coal face’ of contemporary newsmaking practices, to provide an original study and useful student text.
Making the News provides a rare, cross-national perspective on key features of journalism and newsmaking cultures and the changing media landscape in contemporary Europe.
Focusing on the key trends, practices and issues in contemporary journalism and news cultures, Paschal Preston maps the major contours of change. Adopting a multi-level approach, he examines individual as well as the broader industrial, organisational, institutional and cultural factors shaping journalism practices over the past two decades.
Moving beyond the tendency to focus on journalism trends and newsmaking practices within a single country, Making the News draws on unique, cross-national research examining current journalism practices and related newsmaking cultures in eleven West, Central and East European countries. The study included indepth interviews with almost hundred senior journalists and subsequent workshop discussions with other interest groups
Making the News links reviews and discussions of the existing literature to original research engaging with the views and experiences of journalists working at the ‘coal face’ of contemporary newsmaking practices, to provide an original study and useful student text.
Paschal Preston is Head of the School of Communication and founder of the Communication, Technology and Culture (COMTEC) research unit, Dublin City University. Previous publications include Reshaping Communications: Technology, Information and Social Change (2001) and Democracy and Communication in the New Europe: Change and Continuity in East and West (1995).