OECD investment policy reviews. Botswana 2014.
This publication presents the OECD's comprehensive review of investment policy in Botswana. After an overview of the country, the review examines investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation as well as infrastructure The OECD Investment Policy Review of Botswana is one of five reviews carried out in member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) on the basis of the OECD Policy Framework for Investment (PFI). The Review is the result of a self-assessment undertaken by a national task force composed of government agencies, the private sector and civil society established by the government of Botswana and headed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). Starting in the late 1990s Botswana has made concerted efforts to attract FDI into export-oriented manufacturing and services. The government has been closely engaged in improving the business climate for both foreign and domestic investors. Channels for public-private dialogue on investment policy could be rendered more efficient. A labour force with specific and specialised skills will also be crucial in order to diversify the economy away from mining and attract investment into the services sectors. Read more...