What keeps governments awake at night? In the face of challenges and opportunities posed by globalization, rapidly evolving technologies, changing demographics, rising citizen expectations, and competition from the private sector, governments need to continue to explore and exploit new ways of working. Questions for the future: How can governments best prepare themselves for current and future reform challenges? How can a public sector develop a culture responsive to change? What types of leaders are needed? How can governments better communicate with citizens? How can governments create a culture that makes the most of change? How can governments avoid "reform fatigue"? Over the last two decades, countries have vigorously reformed their public administrations with varying levels of success. This conference volume of the OECD symposium "Government of the Future: Getting from Here to There" brings together eighty high-level reformers from OECD countries to look at current programs in order to drawlessons for a new generation of reform. Read more...