Switzerland 2003 review.
The International Energy Agency's 2003 review of Switzerland's energy policies and programmes. This review finds that the SwissEnergy Programme constitutes the core of Swiss energy policy for the 2001 to 2010 period, with targets for saving fuel and electricity, use of renewables and climate change mitigation. Switzerland is to be commended for rigorously monitoring its policies and measures, but particular emphasis should be placed on ensuring their cost-effectiveness. Environmental issues are a central focus of Swiss energy policy but more effort is needed to meet the Kyoto target or the more stringent 10 percent national target for carbon dioxide reductions. To avoid excessive costs, programmes for emissions trading and other flexible mechanisms could usefully supplement new domestic measures such as voluntary commitments and the proposed CO2 "incentive" tax. Reform of the electricity and gas sectors is becoming urgent but presents a challenge due to the rejection of the Electricity Market Law in a public referendum held in September 2002. The report discusses possible approaches to increase efficiency in the electricity and gas sectors while respecting the referendum results. Read more...