Introduction -- I. Higher Education and the Research Mission -- II. University Research in National R & D Efforts -- III. The Changing Finance of University Research -- IV. The Changing Institutional Context of Research -- V. Internationalisation of University Research -- VI. Trends in Researcher Training -- VII. Selected Policy Considerations -- Annex 1 Figures and Tables -- Annex 2 Group on the Science System:
List of Delegates -- Sources.Universities are key elements in the science systems in all OECD countries. However, university research in OECD countries is currently the object of considerable tensions in a context of globalisation, reduced budgets and a changing interface with industry. How can universities adapt to this new order? How can the potential of university research best be enhanced?This study surveys these issues, consolidating the most up-to-date data on resources and structures of research activities in higher education systems and providing illustrative examples of institutional adaptations. It discusses related government measures and formulates policy orientations to enable countries to rise to the challenges of the coming years.