Reviews of national policies for education: South Eastern Europe. Volume 2, FYROM, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia
Educational work is a key element for both human capital formation and the promotion of peace and democratic values. It has therefore been identified as one of the priorities of the Stability Pact. The OECD was asked to be Co-ordinator for "General Education Policy and System Change" within the Education and Youth Task Force, and to carry out "Thematic Reviews of Education Policy" in the countries of the region. The main outcome of this project is a series of reports which provide both country overviews and a regional overview. These reports offer an analysis of the education system and address issues and barriers to reform and recommendations. The recommendations are designed to be of use for national policy-makers and to assist Stability Pact partner countries and institutions target regional assistance in order to achieve the goal of supporting South Eastern Europe towards European integration. These reports are part of the OECD's ongoing co-operation with non-member economies around the world. Read more...