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When Did The Mahabharata War Happen?: The Mystery of Arundhati

In a drastic re-evaluation of astronomy observations from Mahabharata, using high-tech tool of modern astronomy and low-tech tool of the logic of scientific discovery, Nilesh Oak’s extraordinary book presents ordinary theory of astronomy observations that would lead to a quantum jump in our understanding of the Mahabharata War:

•How a theory based on single unifying idea corroborates 100+ astronomy observations •Where to search for the year of the Mahabharata War – Epoch of 6500 years & Compact time interval of 3000 years •How a single observation, previously known but unexplained, falsifies 96% of all proposals for the year of the Mahabharata War •Why does it matter how long Bhishma was lying on the bed of arrows •How ancient is the tradition of meticulous astronomy observations.

Acceptance of his theory leads to surprising conclusions about our current understanding of world civilizations, domestication of horses, dating of Ramayana or Vedas and antiquity of meticulous astronomy observations. Rejection of his theory would compel us to search for the likes of Newton and Lagrange, among the Sages of India, at least thousand years before Sir Isaac Newton & Joseph-Louis Lagrange.

Praise for 'When did the Mahabharata War Happen?: The Mystery of Arundhati'

"You have done a great job. I requested astronomers to consider if Arundhati had gone ahead of Vasisth in 1971, when I published 'Swayambhu' . But nobody cared. You are the first to do the great job!"

- P V Vartak (Author of 'Swayambhu' & 'Wastav Ramayana')


"Grueling and unfaltering logic"


I have to thank you for being the cause for a quantum leap in my own knowledge of general astronomy as well as Hindu astronomy / calendrical systems over a very short span of time. In some ways the effect of your book has some parallels with Rajiv Malhotra's 'Being Different', though in a very different context. RM never intended his book as a primer on Dharma / Hinduism - but nevertheless it introduced many aspects of Dharma in a light which would be new even to a practitioner. Similarly, even though I am sure you never intended your book to act as an exploration of key astronomical principles and Vedic astronomy - that has definitely been a key side benefit, at least from my perspective.


"Indology" has been populated by linguists and my respect for their work has gone down by several notches when I look at the shoddy assumptions many are prone to make. Science and rigor the way Nilesh Oak has used seems to be unknown to these Indologists. I bet that not one of those horse bone chewers can understand what Archeo-astronomy means. Their awareness extends to looking at Archeo-asses and saying it was not Equus caballus.


I am simply 'natmastak' to Shri Oak for the amazing piece of deductive reasoning applied by him in interpreting the 'Arundhati is leading Vasistha' remark. I think Shri Oak is not only on sound footing but also has clearly exhibited every 'lakshan' of a true seeker of knowledge in the finest Indian traditions. I cannot recall if he mentioned whether anybody else (other than him) thought of the EOA approach. If he is the first one, he deserves billions of thanks from all the Bharatiyas in the last 7000+ years. Oak saheb, aamcha maanacha mujra sweekar karava hee vinanti.


It is interesting how all Indologists the world over talk about linguistics and horse, but never mentions archaeoastronomy! Perhaps the focus of the national and international debate on Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory needs to change.


I do not want to sound obsequious, but the work you have done is nothing less than tremendous. Thank you, and keep it up.


I have verified Nilesh Oak’s elimination of "errors". A bow! Excellent!


Your rigorous methodology was simply a pleasure to read and that got me started off on my efforts to dabble in archeoastronomy.

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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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