Men and women used to cheer: vive la différence!
But now, contrary to all science and common sense, we're supposed to believe that there is no difference. (And if you insist there is, you just might be accused of a hate crime!)
Our culture—and our laws—are endorsing a worldview rooted in craziness.
For instance, we're told that:
Boys who think they're girls (and who could change their minds tomorrow) should be allowed to participate in girls' sports—and shower in their locker rooms
Expectant mothers are now “birthing individuals"
Coed college dorm rooms and bathrooms are great, but single-sex clubs are a campus danger
It's horrible for stores to have separate boys and girls clothing departments (let alone toy sections)
It would be a great idea for our military to lower physical standards and push young women and mothers into combat roles in the military
If you think that's insanity, you're not...