In our work at the farm with individuals who have a history of drug addiction, we noticed how closely such addiction correlates with poor diet – specifically high intake of sugar, processed foods, and legal drugs and stimulants.
Interested in investigating this connection more closely, we commissioned researcher Rebecca Place Miller to search for published studies and reports on the nutrition/addiction connection. She found a wealth of information that we have published in a 50-page report.
Hypoglycemia and adrenal exhaustion are pandemic in our junk food culture. They also trigger addictive cravings in susceptible individuals. Given the high costs of addiction for individuals and our society, we wonder if fresh, nutritious and chemical-free food is not a cost-effective component of comprehensive addiction therapy.
We hope this report will be useful to individuals struggling with addiction and to organizations that work with addicted persons.
Julie Rawson and Jack Kittredge
Many Hands Sustainability Center