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Miftah-ul-Janna (Booklet for way to Paradise)

Indroduction to Booklet for Way to Paradise Allâhu ta’âlâ sent Prophets ‘’alaihim-us-salâm’ to His born slaves so that they should attain happiness, comfort and peace in the world and in the Hereafter and lead a brotherly life by attaching their hearts to one another, and for the purpose of teaching them how to perform their duties as His slaves. Through those select people, the highest of mankind in all respects, He let His born slaves know the best way of living. He announced that Muhammad ‘’alaihis-salâm’, the highest and the aftermost of His Prophets ‘’alaihim-us-salawât-u-wa-t-teslîmât’ is the Prophet of all people that will be living all the world over until the end of the world. In His grand heavenly book named the Qur’ân al-kerîm and which He revealed to this most beloved Prophet of His through an angel piecemeal in a proces of twenty-three years, He declared His commandments and prohibitions. Because the Qur’ân al-kerîm is in the Arabic language and provides extremely subtle teachings and ultramundane pieces of knowledge beyond the grasp of human mind, Muhammad ‘’alaihis-salâm’ explained the entire book, from the beginning to the end, to his Sahâba ‘’alaihim-urridwân’. He said: “Anyone who explains the Qur’ân al-kerîm in a way at variance with my explanations will become an unbeliever.” Islamic scholars, who heard from the Ashâb-i-kirâm the explanations made by our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, made them clear and plain enough to be understood by everybody and wrote them in books of Tafsîr. These scholars are called the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat (or Sunnî scholars). Books which the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat wrote by compiling semplars of explanations from the Qur’ân al-kerîm and our Prophet’s ‘sall- – 2 – ________________________________________________________________________________ TYPESET AND PRINTED IN TURKEY BY: ‹hlâs Gazetecilik A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlâs Plaza No: 11 A/41 34197 Yenibosna-İSTANBUL Tel: 90.212.454 3000 Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’ utterances, which are called hadîthi- sherîfs, are called books of ’Ilm-i-hâl. People who want to acquire true and tenable knowledge of the Islamic religion which Allâhu ta’âlâ teaches in the Qur’ân al-kerîm have to read these books of ’ilm-i-hâl. The original title of the book, Booklet for Way to Paradise, which we are currently presenting, is Miftâh-ul-Janna, which means The Key of the Gate to Paradise. It was written by Muhammad bin Qutb-ud-dîn Iznikî ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’, who passed away in Edirne in the hegiral lunar year 885 [1480 A.D.]. Profound Islamic scholar Sayyid ’Abd-ul-Hakîm Efendi ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’ (1281 [1865 A.D.], Bashkal’a, Van – 1362 [1943 A.D.], Ankara, Turkey) stated: “The author of the book entitled Miftâh-ul-Janna is said to have been a pious person. It will be useful to read it.” Therefore, we have published the book. The explanations here and there in the book and which have been added within brackets are citations borrowed from other books. They are by no means expressions of personal views and comments. May Allâhu ta’âlâ protect us all against separatism and disunion, which are the inescapable consequences of falling into the traps set by Islam’s enemies lying in ambush and their treacherous, heretical, lâ-madhhabî, reformist-minded accomplices under Muslim names, some of whom pass for men of religion! May He unite us all within the Madh-hab of Ahl as- Sunnat, the one and only way of following and adapting ourselves to His beloved Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’! May He bless us all with a way of life wherein we love and help one another! Âmîn. [When a person is about to do something, first a khatara (idea, thought) comes to their heart, so that they intend to do that thing. This intention of theirs is called niyya(t). This person then orders their limbs to do that thing. The person’s ordering the limbs is called qasd or teshebbus (attempt). The limbs’ doing the work is called kesb. The heart’s work is called akhlâq (conduct, behaviour). There are six places whence the khatara comes to the heart: Khatara that comes from Allâhu ta’âlâ is called Wahy. The Wahy comes only to Prophets’ hearts. Khatara brought by angels is called ilhâm (inspiration). The ilhâm comes to Prophets’ ‘’alaihim-us-salawât-u-wa-t-teslîmât’ and sâlih (pious) Muslims’ hearts. Khatara given by sâlih Muslims is called nasîhat (counsel, advice). The Wahy, the ilhâm, and the nasîhat are always good and useful. Khatara coming from the devil is called vasvasa (doubt, – 3 – misgiving); khatara that comes from one’s own nafs[1] is called hewâ (carnal passion, sensual fancy); and khatara imbued by evil company is called ighfâl (seduction, deception). Nasîhat (counsel, advice) is given to anybody. The vasvasa and the hewâ come to disbelievers’ and fâsiq[2] Muslims’ hearts. Both of them are evil and harmful. Things that Allâhu ta’âlâ likes and approves of are called good things, and those which He dislikes are called fenâ (bad, evil) things. Because Allâhu ta’âlâ is very compassionate, He has declared good and bad things in the Qur’ân al-kerîm. He has commanded to do the good things and prohibited the evils. His commandments and prohibitions are called, collectively, the Ahkâm-i-islâmiyya. If a heart follows the counsel provided by good company and reason and thereby adapts itself to the Ahkâmi- islâmiyya, it will become pure and full of nûr. It will attain happiness and peace both in this world and in the Hereafter. A heart that disobeys the Ahkâm-i-islâmiyye by following the nafs and the devil, which in turn is the result of believing the misguiding oral and written statements made by evil people and zindiqs, will become dark and rotten. A pure heart full of nûr will relish obeying the Ahkâm-i-islâmiyya. A heart that has become dark will enjoy following evil company, the nafs, and the devil. Allâhu ta’âlâ, being very compassionate, creates a pure heart for each and every newly-born baby all the world over. Afterwards, parents and evil company make their hearts dark like their own hearts.]
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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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