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Sahaba - The Blessed

Sahaba 'The Blessed' At the beginning of the book (The Blessed) superiority of Ashâb of our prophet, Muhammad ´alayhissalâm, is explained along with how unjust and ignorant are those who defame Ashâb-ı-kirâm. Besides, the meaning of ijtihâd is explained. In the part of cautioning, an answer is given to the book (Hüsniyye) written by an enemy of Islam. In another part, biographies of great savants of Islam - hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni and hadrat Sayyed Abdülhakîm-ı Arvâsi - are explained. In the part Two Apples of the Eye of Muslims superiority of hadrat Abû Bakr and hadrat Omar is explained; in the part The First Fitna in Islam events between Ashâb-ı-kirâm are explained beautifully from the pen of hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni Ahmad Fârûkî Sarhandi who explains that to love all of Ashâb-ı-kirâm is a fundamental condition of being Ahl-i-sunnat. ATTENTION The pure life led by each and every one of the Ashâb-i-kirâm (Sahâba) sets an example for us to follow. We should imitate them and try to deserve love of Allâhu ta’âlâ. A Muslim who follows in their footsteps will obey the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the laws of the state. It is sinful to disobey the commandments, and a crime to violate the law. A perfect Muslim will not commit sins or crimes. To be a ‘Muslim’ means to be a ‘good person’. He will know that Muslims are brothers. He will love his nation and his national flag. He will be good to all other people. He will never harm non-Muslims, tourists or disbelievers. He will not attack their property, lives, chastity or honour. He will admonish wrongdoers. He will not cheat or doublecross anyone. He will never quarrel. He will treat others with a smiling face and a sweet tongue. He will always work. He will learn his religion and science well. He will teach them to his children and to his acquaintances as well. He will not backbite others or gossip. He will always say useful things. He will earn a living through halâl (canonically legitimate) means. He will not impinge on anyone’s rights. A Muslim who has acquired these qualities will be loved by Allah as well as by people. He will lead a life in comfort and peace. My youth has gone by like a sweet dream, weep, oh, my eyes! Weeping’s made me a lunatic, the grave would lead me homewise!
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توجه: فایل درخواستی حداکثر 8 ساعت بعد ارسال خواهد شد.

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شماره کارت : 6104337650971516
شماره حساب : 8228146163
شناسه شبا (انتقال پایا) : IR410120020000008228146163
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