‘Smart rubbers’ are defined as elastomeric materials that respond to external stimuli through a macroscopic output in which the energy of the stimulus is transduced appropriately as a function of external interference. The bulk of these materials generally consist of elastomers or of materials with rubbery behaviour and properties, but display a smart response.
Research into smart rubbers has increased dramatically over the last few decades, predominantly due to the growing demand of, and the need for, improved materials for new applications. Incentives for these demands are generally based on scientific aspects, but also intersect with societal relevance.
This book aims to provide an overview of smart rubbers. Examples of the various components involved in smart rubbers are highlighted and discussed to provide paradigmatic information. Different stimuli and applications are entwined throughout all these examples. Hence, the authors provide an update for smart rubbers that is relevant, interesting and understandable for industry, scientists, experts, and students.