Graphical data analysis with R
"Graphical Data Analysis with R shows you what information you can gain from graphical displays. The book focuses on why you draw graphics to display data and which graphics to draw (and uses R to do so). All the datasets are available in R or one of its packages and the R code is available at Graphical data analysis is useful for data cleaning, exploring data structure, detecting outliers and unusual groups, identifying trends and clusters, spotting local patterns, evaluating modelling output, and presenting results. This book guides you in choosing graphics and understanding what information you can glean from them. It can be used as a primary text in a graphical data analysis course or as a supplement in a statistics course. Colour graphics are used throughout. Features: Concentrates on why graphics are drawn and what they reveal -- Emphasises the value of drawing a variety of different graphics -- Uses real datasets in R to show how graphical data analysis works in practice -- Supplies R code for all the graphics on the author's website -- Includes a set of exercises in each chapter to facilitate hands-on learning."--Back cover. Read more...