Dealing with the Devil's Deal
Description:... Cocaine production, demand and sales has become an increasing problem in the Western Hemisphere. Motivation to purchase this narcotic by dealers, despite its high prices, and their capability to get the processed product to eager end buyers, has caused a high volume of illegal trafficking. Mexico, in particular, has been deluged by a severe intensive drug war. Because of the many deaths resulting from this conflict, that county now maintains the unenviable position as the number one nation in our hemisphere attempting to cope with severe cocaine problems. The nation of Colombia experienced this highly undesirable situation back in tee 19905. Pablo Escobar, that country's drug king, became 50 powerful, that at times he virtually ruled the nation. But this power eventually became his undoing. Right-wing opponents from the Las Pepes death squads killed him in 1993. Although, Colombia became more stable after that occurrence, a left wing organization emerged to take on the right's counter activities. They are known as the Farqs, They are still able to maintain a hold on the power involved with cocaine. Concerning DEALING WITH THE DEVIL, Jack Broderick, the CIA station Chief in Peru, earns his keep by impeding the drug influences mentioned above. He does an amazing job by enlisting a hard boiled agent, Brian Koltai, from the U.S. Together, they prevent another costly war from occurring in the Andes like the one that had taken place twenty years earlier.
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