Strengthen your Soul
Description:... You always deserve your self-worth. And you deserve it because you are a creature of God, His creation. Because God loves you and the whole heaven watches over you, takes care of you and gives you importance. Even if no one calls you on the phone for a whole day, even if no one speaks to you, there is a tremendous power inside you. You have value and personality. You are a unique being and there is no one like you anywhere on earth. No one is like you, no one has your traits, your gifts and talents, but on the other hand, no one has your problems, your peculiarities and your character in general. You are who you are and you have your own value. Jesus loves you and gives you importance. He wants to strengthen you.
How can this be done? With all the ups and downs. One moment you feel that you have Christ and the next you feel you are losing Him. He comes and goes. This is exactly what His disciples felt after the Resurrection, when, desperate and lost in their thoughts, they were walking towards Emmaus. As soon as they had just started feeling their heart aflame for Him, He had shared the bread with them, but as soon as they had started understanding the Lord, He once more went away from them. Why? To make them stronger. He only left a sweet sensation in their soul, warmth, faith and power. To make them believe, to touch and to feel the invisible as present. To make them feel that they hold the One who goes away but leaves behind Him His fragrance, His sweetness, His zeal and the yearning for Him.
Christ wants us to love Him, but without having the feeling of certainty that we hold Him. He does not want to give us certainty, but leaves us suspended where we can experience the most exciting flights; make the most beautiful patterns in the sky of His love, and in the sea of life where we are swimming in its waves. You may think that you don’t know where you are going in this vast ocean. Then He tells you:
-"Let the wind carry you away",
-"But I have no compass. I feel I have nothing",
-"Just give in and something good will come out of it".
The proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated for the completion of the Church of "Panagia Galaxa, Thalassokratousa".
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