"Wir sind jung, die Welt ist offen"
eine jüdische Jugendgruppe im 20. Jahrhundert
Description:... A booklet accompanying an exhibition held in the memorial and educational establishment situated in the Wannsee Conference house, in September 2002, on the radical Jewish youth movement Der Schwarze Haufen in Germany in the 1920s and the fate of its members after 1933. Mentions the special hatred of the Nazis against Jews who were communists as well. Many of them were banished from universities and some were arrested and deported to the concentration camps of Dachau, Brandenburg, Oranienburg, and Buchenwald. After the disintegration of Der Schwarze Haufen, some of the former members joined the Werkleute group and participated in hachshara programs in order to immigrate to Palestine. Pp. 118-126 include 56 short biographies of former members, including details on their fate; 12 were murdered during the Holocaust.
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