Gino De Vecchis The fight for geography in the italian schools (2010-2014): an updating
Cristiano Pesaresi, Mara Lombardi GIS4RISKS project. Synergic use of GIS applications for analysing volcanic and seismic risks in the pre and post event
Roberto Scandone, Lisetta Giacomelli Vesuvius, Pompei, Herculaneum: a lesson in natural history
Matteo Puttilli Towards a multimedia approach in geographical research and education. Reflections from the web-research “Al centro di Tunisi – Au centre de Tunis”
Simone Betti, Alessandro Ceccarelli Is family farming educational? The Australian experience
THE LANGUAGE OF IMAGES (Edited by Elisa Bignante and Marco Maggioli)
Rickie Sanders, Bogdan Jankowski Exploring Urban Geography in Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities
MAPPING SOCIETIES (Edited by Edoardo Boria)
Russell Foster “Now we need to make Italians”. Semiotics and Semantics in Teaching Cartography
Maria Paradiso Between Krakow 2014 and Moscow 2015
Halford Mackinder Geography as a Pivotal Subject in Education with comments by Davide Papotti
Re-reading Geography as a Pivotal Subject in Education by H. Mackinder