Seedling physiology and reforestation success
Proceedings of the Physiology Working Group, Technical Session : Society of American Foresters National Convention, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 16-20, 1983
Description:... Tissue culture and vegetative propagation. Forests of the future. Propagation and Preservation of Elms via tissue culture systems. Seed. New forests from better seeds: the role of seed physiology. Manipulatingloblolly pine(pinus taeda L.) seed germination with simulated moistureand temperature stress. Bareroot. Altering seedling physiology to improve reforestation success. Seed source lifting windows improve reforestation success. Container. Physiology research made forestation with container-grown seedlings successful. Relating seedling physiology to survival and growth in container-grown southern pines. The influence of species and stocktype selection on stand establishment: an ecophysiological perspective. Characterization of the internal water relations of loblolly pine seedlings in responseto nursery cultural treatments: implications for reforestation success. Vegetation management. Growth response and physiology of tree seedlings as affected by weed control. Interference between greenleaf manzanita(Arctostaphylos patula) and ponderosa pine(Pinus ponderosa). Nutrition management. Nutrition management: A physiological basis for yeld improvement. Mycorrhizae and reforestation succes in the oak-hickory region.
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