Thien Tong Qua Bo Kia
Description:... Charming, practical and resourceful. This book is very helpful to all meditation practitioners, beginners and experienced alike. The author reveals many ways to practice mindfulness for children, pregnant women, soldiers... -- and the way how to keep a natural awareness in our daily lives. This book also explains about two sets of suttas that were recited as daily chanting sessions by many sangha members in the early years while the Buddha still wandered on earth. The author also reveals clearly the bridges among different Buddhist meditation traditions. Loi cuon, thuc dung va nghien cuu phong phu. Sach nay rat co loi cho tat ca nhung nguoi tap thien, du la moi tap hay da co nhieu kinh nghiem. Tac gia noi ve nhieu phap tap chanh niem doi voi tre em, thai phu, chien binh... -- va phuong phap giu su tinh thuc tu nhien trong doi song hang ngay. Sach nay cung noi ve hai nhom Kinh Nhat Tung So Thoi duoc mot so vi trong tang doan tung doc hang ngay trong cac nam dau, khi Duc Phat con dang di hoang phap. Tac gia cung noi ro rang ve nhung soi chi xuyen suot giua nhieu truyen thong thien tap Phat giao khac nhau.
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