It Works, how and why
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous
Description:... The book [is] a discussion of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous ... [It] is meant to help [the reader] determine [his] own interpretation of the principles contained in [Narcotics Anonymous'] steps and traditions. [The authors] hope [the reader] will find personal growth, understanding, and empathy in the following pages ... [The book's] primary purpose [is] to carry the message to the still-suffering addict ... The reasons [the] program works, the how and why of recovery, are found in many places, in each other, in [one's] relationship with a Higher Power, in [everyone's] hearts and minds, and finally, in the collective wisdom of [the] members ... [The] principal endeavor in the development of this book has been to capture that collective wisdom in written form ... [The authors] pray that this book truly represents the therapeutic value of one addict helping another.-Introd.
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