Wellness Wake Up Call
Description:... Major lifestyle changes are almost always prompted by a "wellness wake-up call" that comes in one form or another. The idea behind this book is that wellness wake-up calls don't have to be organic moments inspired, perhaps, by an upcoming class reunion. They can be intentional. With few exceptions, the human body is a self-healing organism that would function perfectly when given the things it needs, such as nutrition, exercise, and social and spiritual food. Most of the time, however, life gets in the way. The good news is that everyone has the chance to make right with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and to live in a way that allows the body to function better. For those headed in the wrong direction, inaction is a choice. Reversing downward spirals to get life back on track requires each person to make a choice to live differently. The scenarios presented at the beginning of each chapter in the book act as simple barometers to reveal one's level of wellness or highlight potential problems in specific wellness areas—from diet to flexibility, to spirituality and beyond. The results of each scenario intend to guide and motivate everyone to make better choices about health and lead to possible changes in lifestyle. Each chapter is full of documented data and ideas for exercises, activities, or simple lifestyle changes to support wellness.
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