The Daughters of Juárez
A True Story of Serial Murder South of the Border
- Author(s): Teresa Rodríguez, Diana Montané, Lisa Pulitzer,
- Publisher: Simon and Schuster
- Pages: 316
- ISBN_10: 0743292030
ISBN_13: 9780743292030
- Language: en
- Categories: Law / General , Political Science / General , Political Science / Corruption & Misconduct , Social Science / Criminology , Social Science / Women's Studies , Social Science / Violence in Society , True Crime / General , True Crime / Murder / General , True Crime / Murder / Serial Killers , True Crime / Abductions, Kidnappings & Missing Persons ,
Description:... {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\fs18 For the last nine years, the city of Ciudad Juarez in northern Mexico has been the centre of an ongoing phenomenon of female homicides, referenced in Spanish as femicidios or las muertas de Juarez ("the dead women of Juarez"). As of February 2005 more than 370 bodies have been recovered, with over 400 women still missing, according to Amnesty International. The BBC News reported in November 2005 that 28 women had been murdered so far in 2005. \par \par As for who is behind the murders, the answer remains unknown. Despite numerous arrests over the last few years, the killings continue, leading the Mexican police and the general public to consider many theories, among them that the original killer or killers are in jail and copycats have moved to the area since. Furthermore, there has been speculation that there has been a conspiracy of silence and cover-up by Mexican politicians. \par \par \i\fs20 Daughters of Juarez\i0\fs18 will be the first, major non-fiction work to examine the Juarez murders. In it, authors Rodriguez, Montane and Pulitzer will focus on retelling the stories of three missing women and of their families' plight to find the responsible killer or killers. As this story begins to land on the front pages of national papers such as \i\fs20 The New York Times\i0\fs18, this book will become a staple of required reading on the case for years to come. \par }
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