The Process
Life Death Rebirth
Description:... If you are a woman who will be caring for a newborn any time in the future, you should read this book. Neurological disorders in children are disrupting the lives of millions of families around the world. Sadly, the only remedy that medical technology has come up involves drugswhich only work some of the timeand cure absolutely nothing. This book introduces a technology invented over a decade ago for teens and young adults suffering with ADD and ADHD. Two years ago a panicked Mom of a seven month old boy got creative and treated her child showing the first symptoms of Tourettes Syndrome. It worked! In very real terms, she, prevented, the disorder from taking over his brain. To thoroughly understand what is happening to our children we have to go back thousands of years to where the concept of reincarnation was first openly considered. At times, you will think you are reading science fiction. Its not. The Process is something every human ever born has gone through. Now however, our newest guests to the planet, our children, are facing difficulties in numbers unprecedented in human history. When you read this book youll know why. Be a witness to the beginning of the end of neurological disorders in children. The path to the solution is here to follow. Finally, for the faithful of any religion, this book is a must. For those without belief, the concepts shared here will be the most provocative youve ever read.
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