The Whispers Within
Description:... I heard him staggering down the hallway, banging into the banister sloshing his drink of choice, most likely a gin and tonic, along the way. As he reached for her door, I felt my airways constrict and the walls of the room close in around me. My body stiffened, and my senses numbed, as I listened for the faint squeak of my bedroom door to open softly.
I am, 17 year-old aristocratic-born Candace Spencer, and I quickly recognized the monster that prowled the darkness of my sanctuary. My breath faded as the muscular figures slithered into my room and onto my body. My nightmare only lasted a few minutes several times a week but I lost a part of my soul a little bit more during each horrific moment. I closed my eyes and lived one more death as he devoured me, but tonight I vowed it would end. The prominent and respected businessman revered by the community would not return to my bedroom again. Never again!
I had no idea how long it had been away; a Spiritual Guide's time was measured very differently compared to human lifetime. Was it a day later or had one or twenty years passed? Right now I had my first assignment in my new form, Mari Santiago, a 16 year-old teenager struggling to survive her family's domestic violence and sexual assaults in the tough streets of New York.
The Whispers Within reveals the parallel of two dissimilar lives between two teenagers: one alive and the other dead. Mari comes to know Candace in a manner she would have never dreamt. Candace, having lived life at the opposite economic strata from the inner city life Mari was accustomed to, is only equipped with whispers of encouragement to defeat Mari's demons.
How will Candace handle returning to earth as a spirit when she did not deal with her own nemesis while alive? Will Mari be consumed by the demons that surround her or will Candace pave a way for Mari to flee them? Will they both come to know each other's demons? Will Candace's whispers be enough for Mari to conquer her demons while building a new life?
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