Happiness in Action
For Young Aspiring Leaders of the Future
Description:... At one point or another, every single one of us has or will have confronted the question: “So, what’s the purpose of my doing?” Writing in the perspective of high-school students, who have many years of untapped opportunities ahead of us, we think that starting to ask ourselves this question is of utmost importance. Now, there are many answers to this question, perhaps an infinite number of them. But in this short book, we propose the simple answer: to be happy. Of course, we aren’t the first to jump aboard this train of thought. Humanity has thought about happiness as an integral goal of life for thousands of years, and individuals and institutions alike have continued to pursue this discussion today, whether that be through debate, research, or policies. And to this, we are thankful. Our predecessors’ efforts have provided us -the next generation- with ample resources to put the pursuit of happiness into action on a societal scale, should we choose to do so. In light of this very mission to continue the historical momentum, we present this little book of ours -- to our peers, to aspiring young leaders of the future who might wish to consider prospects of a happiness-oriented society, and to any reader interested in this quick read.
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