IST 2001
Technologies Serving People
Description:... The Information Society is taking shape around us. Already, information society technologies (IST) affect every aspect of how we live, work and play, and they seem set to have an even greater impact in the future. To realise the full potential of the Information Society, however, its benefits should be accessible to all. The Information Society Technologies Programme, part of the EU's Fifth Framework Programme for research and technological development, is working towards a vision of the future that puts the user at the centre of IST development. In this vision, the technology is almost invisible as it blends into our everday environment. People are able to access IST applications and services wherever they are, whenever they want, and in the form that is most natural for them. This book presents a snapshot of the IST Programme at the present time, describing technical challenges and policy issues addressed by the work programme and highlighting some of the on-going RTD projects. It focuses on the use of IST within three key settings: by individuals and in personal spaces; by enterprises and in the workplace; and by public services and society at large. Enabling technologies which underpin future applications and services across these scenarios are also described. Covering IST development from many different perspectives, the book shows how the Programme is contributing to an Information Society where technology serves the needs of people.
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