Lord, Where's My Calling?
When the Big Question Becomes a Big Distraction
Description:... Some people seem to find their calling with ease - opportunity nearly knocking a hole through their door. But what about the rest of us? We've all been told it's out there. Our special calling, that is. Books and programs abound, telling us how amazing our Christian life will be once we find it. Yet after years of scouring books, taking countless surveys, and begging God to reveal the divinely dictated action plan you just knew would someday come, perhaps you still don't have a clue about what your big calling is. If you have ever thought, "Maybe I've failed, or perhaps I've blinked one too many times and missed my chance to do something amazing for God," then this book is for you. If you have ever feared that "special callings are only for special people and that God has destined you for a mundane life," then this book is for you. When author Teasi Cannon had nearly lost hope, God began a lifesaving redirect in her life that started with a tractor ride and a good look at the dictionary. Turns out that a calling is not what she had always presumed--and not what most of us have been taught. What she did find is a greater reason for getting out of bed each morning, and a truth that opens the door to any calling any of us will ever have. Best of all, the answer was something she had easy access to all along. It's yours for the taking too, right this very minute.
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