Mother Earth And Me... Are All We Need To Be Saved
How To First Understand The Earth And Then Fight For Her And Your Survival
Description:... This Book is exactly what you need to be told, to be reminded of and to be taught about Mother Earth, and all that she represents to You and I. And since she has been around for a time that we could never imagine when it started, then it is best for us to come to her sides, and allow her to hold our hands in providing for us, in caring for us, in helping us, in healing us, and in protecting us for life.
Because Mother Earth is not here to hurt us, she is not here to dismember us like we are doing to her every hour of every day. But Mother Earth is here to bless us along with all the other Beings who inhabit her on her skin and even inside her belly. And so You and I are The Pioneers who are willing to take the very first steps in returning home to Mother Earth, and begin to accept our duties. You and I can join together as the true loyal children of The Great Mother, for us to fulfill our duty that a Son and Daughter have toward A Parent in protecting and loving. https://www.JamesDazouloute.Net/ - For More...
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