Angels in Forever
Description:... 6 x 9 Quality Trade Paperback: A collage of excerpts from an inner and creative journal spanning twenty-two years, between 1990's and 2010. It is a journey through parallel worlds, that of the "real" and the necessary, and that, which often seems more "real" to me: my conversations with my "angels," in the inner and creative world. My quest did not begin twenty-two years ago, but is one that I feel I embarked on when I was born, perhaps even before I was born. The journaling of both my angst and achievements, and my time spent "in the presence of angels," some sensed, some imagined, some real people, some in nature, and even God's critters, has been of infinite personal value, especially as a road-map charting the paths I have traveled, from then to now to there and back again. I hope you will be encouraged to know that no matter the circumstances of your life at the moment there is a wisdom, a love, something beyond and above your circumstances that wishes to guide you toward a fulfilling life.
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