Pathway to the Cross
Description:... There is a pathway to Calvary that our Lord Jesus takes. It begins in eternity. He moves from His seat in glory to earth; not accepting His equality with the Father as anything to become known for but as a reason to serve the kingdom of God on earth. As a result of His love He humbles Himself and obeys God to the point of the death; even the death of the cross. He was humiliated. Shamed; although He did nothing wrong. He was treated cruelly although He loved those He came to redeem. How can He that loves be hated so much? It was all part of God's eternal plan to atone for man's sin in the first place. It may seem hard to reason with but God loves you and me. Pathway to the Cross is the inspirational telling of the story told in scripture concerning Jesus Christ. No doctrine, just inspiration. No heavy theology just an inspirational look at Jesus coming to earth as a child, growing as a man, touching loves as a healing physician, ministering to hurting hearts, and teaching those that would listen to Him. This book was written to encourage the believer and the sinner alike to look afresh at the cross of Calvary and see in that place of horror and death the joy of a God that loves all mankind. It is a view of the story told in scripture from a perspective that says, "You and I don't have to be perfect to know this great love." Whereas scripture is true God judges' sin, it is equally true that He forgives the sinner. His forgiveness was expressed in the act of Jesus dying on Calvary's cross and the power of His resurrection seals our redemption in place; all by grace.
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