Application of Thought and Reality
The Model
Description:... In relation to a summing-up process, the book, Application of Thought and Reality, moves into and proceeds as to a way of life incorporating values and beliefs within the Model. These values and beliefs are put in arrangement for this being. Within this practice, the application of the chain of command and the delegation of authority are studied. There will be direction and strategy given to the Model. There should be knowledge accumulated and derived from each concept or ATR and, then, purpose applied. The key will be the moving of reason to a completed objective which will be positive for the Model. That which is to be taught must be mastered by the Model. As some books are to be read, other books are to be studied. The Application of Thought and Reality should be a study. Within the book, each ATR (application of thought and reality) should be examined and considered as a direction. Learned principles should be incorporated into a daily form of pursuing life (attachment to life). All directs itself to the Model with a moving toward that being's endurance and continued existence in the awareness of life. The guiding of the Model must eventually produce the Elite Model.
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