God Said
Description:... In the Bible, the phrase "God Said" is used six hundred and twenty times. God spoke to men, women, prophets, priests and kings. He spoke to individuals, groups of people and He spoke to godly people and to heathens. God is in the speaking business because He loves to communicate with His Creation.The 40 day journey you are about to embark upon will be a powerful and life changing encounter. It is with hope that this book will dramatically impact and transform the way you hear and see God. Expect what God said about your circumstance or situation or your vision or dream to be stirred up and ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Whatever those promises are, which were spoken to you from the beginning, believe in the One who spoke them! Dear Friend...dare to believe... God is not a Man that he should lie, nor the Son of Man that he should relent. What God Said to you He spoke from the beginning. When Satan beguiled Eve, he challenged her belief system and sowed doubt. He knows, if we begin to doubt what God said, those hopes, dreams and promises will never be deeply rooted in our hearts and therefore, we will never harvest its fruits. Genesis clearly portrays God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the Triune God speaking, "Let there be light and light was." God said," Let there be a firmament and there was a firmament." God said," Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear and it was so". God said," Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself. Remember the seed of the word has the power within itself to reproduce what was spoken. It is imperative, to rehearse what God the Triune God said in your prayer chamber. God the Triune God gives you the seed, His Word, which you have to plant by faith and you must protect it by keeping doubt from being sown in your thoughts, so that what God the Triune God said, the word God spoke, will then produce a harvest. God Said is revelatory, inspirational and will be a journey you will never forget because of what "God Said" to you!
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