Yoga in the bed
Tantric Continence & Spiritual Intimacy
Description:... In the ancient yoga scripts (the description of the three most well-known Hatha Yoga “classics” like the Gheranda-Samhita, Hatha Yoga pradipika and Siva-Samhita yoga system) a method can be read named Vajroli or Urdhvaretasah. It means an inner alchemic transformation process which appears through directing the subtle energies upwards from the level of genitals into the way for the brain, flowing across the spine. All of these are based on the 4th ethical principle (sexual discipline) or on a kind of celibacy by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras as self-restraints. The Brahmacharya prescribes the abstinence from the exaggerated sensuality, but in the past it meant the life period itself spent by the student in self-restraint which was meant to be as an establishment for the right inner attitude in spiritual process. For this the development of the seed keeping ability (Bindu Siddhi) is necessary by the application of the cleansing exercises of Hatha Yoga (Kriya). So we raise the Kundalini Snake power (which embodies the sexual energy being latent in the body) from the level of the root chakra (Muladhara) to the crown chakra (Sahasrara) as it was done by the Urdhvaretas yogi in India in the 4th century. We can use this process as the engine of the spiritual progress individually or in relationship either. Furthermore we can apply this during tantric methods pointing beyond coitus reservatus for instance Maithuna ceremony.
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