The Military in the Political Development of New Nations
An Essay in Comparative Analysis
Description:... Om sikkerhedspolitik. Om militærets og de væbnede styrkers rolle i de "nye nationer"--De underudviklede landes samfund og politik. "This essay focuses on comparative analysis, eventhough comparison at the nation-state level is an elusive task. The research strategy is to emphasize military institutions and military elites in their common characteristics and in their national differences in order to throw light on the various patterns of civil-military relations found in new nations. A new nation is confronted with the issue of whether the population at large accepts its political leaders as legitimate. New nations are countries where some form of political revolution has taken place. Those which have not had their political revolution are likely to face one. In this process of political revolution, colonial forms are eliminated. The act of national liberation - with or without force - establishes a pragmatic basis for a legitimate government. The military, with its symbols of authoruty and force, is part of the apparatus of a legitimate government." Bogen er opdelt i tre dele: I. The Strategy of Comparative Analysis. II. The Internal Organization of the Military. III. Army and Society.
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