Emotional Gully
Description:... एक ख़्वाब जो उसने देखा था,
कब सच होगा उसे पता नहीं,
वो चलता रहा वह लड़ता रहा...
कभी गिरा भी था पर झुका नहीं…
Da Sachin Sharma, is not a poet, but has the creative aptitude of becoming the one.
He yearns deep into the creativity zone. Emotional Gully is his first attempt at publishing his book, handpicked poems of his own writing through his journey of life. He is a creative head at a private firm where he exercises his creativity for bread and butter. Emotional Gully is a creative exercise for him dive into his own personality reflecting emotions we all resonate with.
The book is a bilingual edition of Da Sachin Sharma’s work, sensitively translated by Prakash Khetpal
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